Tue 21 Jan
Come spend ur Saturday with a HOT sassy Itaian who can fullfill your desires and fantacies - 26
(Metro West, Natick)
Come to me now!!! 774 381 4889 Im waiting on you!! Freaks Only!!! - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston and surrounding areas)
(*(** // $€×¥ *Curv¥* $₩€€+ CHOCO£AT€ * TR €A+ * OuTCALLS!! Outcalls EVERYWHERE Boston)**))Sensation - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, To You!!)
Cute Blue Eyed Blonde 40DD Well Reviewed ! WALTHAM Incall /Outcall Everywhere - 37
(Metro West, WALTHAM Incall / Outcall EVERYWHERE)
College CO-ED, cute and fun!
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
COME & SEE the BEST & FORGET the REST, NO Rushing, NO Hassles, NO Upselling, offering ^$60 specials - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incalls________ INCALLS______Outcalls___)
Come Celebrate With Claudine, Curvy, Cultured, Mature Courtesan - 46
(Boston/Camb/Brook, 95N & 93N junction)
⚠⚠⚠ CAUTION HIGHLY ADDICTIVE ⚠⚠⚠ Special with MOLLY. (LOOK! !!)🍒🍡🍨🍬🍭 - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Allston Watertown Newton area incall/out)
_◆ ◆ Chocolate NEVER Taste Soo GOOD ◆ ◆ PUNISH ME ◆ ◆ _ 857 417 0561 ◆ ◆ ◇ ◆ [[> BOSTON
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston Area - - IM READY NOW)
❤❥Busty DD EBony FreaK ⒷⓄⓂⒷⓈⒽⒺⓁⓁ ❤❥24hr INCALLS Available ❥1OOO% INDEPENDENT❥ Call Me💋 - 25
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Lynn INCALL SPECIAL)
Can I be YOuR GiRl????CuRvy & Cute~ * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Avail. all week)
Sat 11 Jan
Adele and Katie tonight college girls massage 🙌🙌 can u party with us ...no games - 20
(Boston, Boston near you 📞📞📞📞📞📞📞🎊)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
REAL BIG BOOTY Barbie doll ☆★☆ Sweet ♥ SeNsUaL♥ Sexy ♥ MUST SEE - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, incall / outcall Dedham)
°o ♥ » TASTY \\ __♥__ // SEXY \\ __♥__ // SWEET °o ♥ » - 20
(Boston/Camb/Brook, waltham incalls)
(*OUTCALLS ONLY)💋💋 I AM ° 💋💋°T°_°H°_° E° 💋💋 °R°_°E°_°A °_°L°_ 💋°D°_° E° _°A_L 💋💋 - 18 - 18
(South Shore, Brockton area/ boston)
Mon 06 Jan
♥ S×U×P×E×R ♥ S×W×E×E×T ♥ S×E×X×Y ♥ B×L×O×N×D×E ♥ ☆—— ♥ ——☆ - - 35
(Northwest/Merrimack, Burlington incalls)
New to bkpage and mass area ...Ms Alyssa sweets ...978-641-9667 - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/merrimack/nh area)
UPSCALE PROfesssional, 1000% real pic.. - 26
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, ALL OF MASS AND RI AND SOME CT)
So >..Hot Sexy AsianGirl! Special# $ $ $ % %Today! At the Far East Spa 401-725-0111 - 22 - 22
Sexy Spanish SweetHeart New And Visiting(limited time only fellas!) - 21
(South Shore, mattapan INCALLS ONLY PLEASE)
Stolen Moments . . . . . .Intimate Interludes . . . . . A Hot, Passionate Woman - 44
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Your Place or Mine)
💖⭐💖⭐💖petite Italian B👌MBSHELL sexy fun 👄👅💦 available now⭐💖⭐💖⭐ - 24
(Boston, Boston I come to you, Boston/Camb/Brook)
👑👑👑👑👑 Sexy CuBan Mix 👑👑👑👑👑 The Lighter The Berry 👑👑👑The SweeTeR The Juice(Revere) - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere)
Sun 05 Jan
※※※ ▬▬▬ ASIAN ▬▬▬ ※※※ ▬▬▬ PETITE ▬▬▬ ※※※ ▬▬▬ BUSTY ▬▬▬ ※※※ ▬▬▬ KOREA ▬▬▬ ※※※ ▬▬▬ GIRL ▬▬▬ ※※※ - 22
(South Coast, YOUR PLACE 617-----373-----0685)
🔵❀🔵NEW❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀ASIAN Barbie▬▬❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀ READY For You❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀SUPER HOT▬▬❀🔵❀▬▬❀🔵❀ - 21
(Boston, North Shore, 💋 B2B✨✨NORTH READING ✨✨🍒Shower🍒Suck✨)
: *:❤ Tanned Hawaiian Mixed Bunny * Caramal Cream Kitten ❤*:; :*¨¨*:: - 21
(South Shore, Boston - Malden - INCALLS)
Sexy 💋 Blonde Playmate 🐰 Early Morn Special ☀ H🔥T & Ready For Y🔥U 😉 Outcalls Only 👀 - 24
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcalls Only, Downtown Boston)
SEDUCTIVE SELECTIONS💐 Unforgettable Experience💐 Specials with Ms.EVELYNN!🌹💐 - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, 617-982-9721 incalls in Allston)
🌹😘❤💢🌸【REAL PIC✅VIDEO✅】💃🏻🌸🏻💥 💢❤JPN&KOR;💢❤😘—东莞服务 👠 👙💏👙💢❤😘[[ New&Yong; ]] 💋💋💏 - - 21 - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, China town, China town, China town)
P L Â $ U ® Â B L U N F Õ ® G T T Â B L E X P ® I N C ... - 20
(North Shore, Revere incalls & outs all over!)
*** ExOTIc Erotic... Tasty Playmate!!!! 100$$ special.. full lipS.. PREtty fACE! WELL Reveiwed!! - 20
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Waltham/newton)
💋♡Thick & sexy blonde ready for a good time♡ **$80** ♡$pEciALsDon't miss out♡💋 - 23
(Northwest/Merrimack, Dracut/Lowell)
=SmOkIn HoT= ____ =BLoNDe= ____ =BuStY PLayMaTe= ___ *( 1 0 0 SpeCiaLs)* ___ *(WoW)* - 19
Professional and Well Reviewed‼️💋❤️👌.💅🏽👸🏻👑. 👋‼️💋🌺 - 28
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Rhode Island and mass, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
PRETTY slim NASTY black girl S_ P_E _C _I _A _L _ S Starting at $7O - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Dedham)
☎ ώ ☎ LAST DAY!! Stunning Petite Ebony Beauty VIsiting for a limited time only!! - 24
(Financial district)
Sat 04 Jan
⥈ Unwrap this present and I'm sure you'll want to play with it now !! - 25
(Boston Incall or Outcall)
★★🔥SiZZliNG HOTT🔥★★ ▬▬▬★ℰX tRℰℳℰlᎽSkiLLEd★▬▬▬★ 🍭SWEEt & Passionate $100$pecial★▬▬▬★ Ready N-O-W - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Newton Cambrid Brighton incall/outcall)
SExy BlOnDe bOmBshsHell **** WaNtS tO ComE oVer ** aNd hAvE Sum FuN !!! - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston, Saugus, peobody)
C*U*M play in the wonderfull world of AHJA fat A*S*S 38 DDs (phillipino and indian goddess) !!! - 24
Come ✳️take freaky :)💠💠💠💠💠🚭 Nasty 101. A class you've all been waiting for - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
|| §ËXY §WÊÉT & §ÏÑFÜL || »-♥-» AVAILABLE NOW!!! »-♥-» - 20
(Boston/Camb/Brook, outcalls your place)
____ _______ _____ ______**TER ** Reviewed ** Exceptional Service, Beautiful Woman is all you need!
(South Boston)
If you can sneak away I'm Ready to play!!!!!!!! 781-580-0188Brianna - 43
(Boston, New upscale location Peabody/Danvers are, North Shore)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, city)
SeXy BRUNETTE Giselle Available All Day, SPECIALS!! - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston common 619-500-4508)
Fri 03 Jan
young couple is looking for a girl to party with...we host - 25
(Northwest/Merrimack, tewksbury/Lowell)
♠️♠️♠️Trump Upscale Service♦️♦️♦️2 Exotic Playmates - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston surrounding outcalls only)
(($*:-*:`» SiMplY tHe bEsT; thE obViOus cHoiCe!! tOo gooD; &+ sOoo TrUe!! miXeD eBoNy giRl*`$$$ - 21
(mattapan - my place or yours)
▓ █ ▀ ▄ NO KEYS at All ___ Your Ultimate TREASURE ▄ ▀ █ ▓ come join me ~~~}} RUSSIAN BOMBSHELL!! - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Norwood / Dedham ( incalls))