Mon 27 Jan
BiG bOoty cUtie💋SiMpLY AmAZiNg 💋 🎀CutE aS A bUtToN🎀 🍭SWeET aS PiE🍭 ☆TReAT Y0uRSELf☆ - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/surrounding areas $100)
Tue 21 Jan
Hi! I am looking to show you a great time tonight so call Layla 857-225-1472 - 22
(South Shore, Quincy)
vErY seXXXual _____ EbOnY PlAyMaTe (((( nEw PiCs )))) EnTiCiNg PrEtTy ______ SeNsUaL sPeCiAlS 100/15 - 22
(in dorchester/out mass)
Very Sexy Eastern European ...Dont take my Word for it...Read my Reviews !! - - 39
(North Shore, out calls only)
* * s€xy *w¥ld * fr€Aky girl * *6176508451 - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, LowellQuincyEverett Brockton southshore)
🌠💅PrEtTy💆 FaCe💄😚 sLiM👙wAiSt 🍒SwEeT🍭 to🌺the👅tAsTe😋 - 26
(Boston, Brockton in out calls all over, South Shore)
Pre Midnight Be Pleased Today Summa wants that for you. Call now 617-721-1144 - 22
(North Shore, Woburn, Boston)
party day SATURDAY hosting in Braintree + out calls GF type of girls OXOX - 23
(South Shore, south shore in and out calls 8574172788)
*-*-*-*European Latina Goddess**** I'll do WhAT EveR You Want - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston area/ Northshore)
Dominican GODDESS 👅💦💕 Best in Town ‼️ ☎️6175017353☎️ - 20
(South Shore, South shore in and out calls)
Come By for an Erotic Body Rub to Get Your Blood Pumping!! - 24
(North Shore, Peabody Danvers Middleton)
Click Here⏩Freaky Italian Playmate✅✅Click Here➡Freaky Italian Playmate✅✅✅ - 26
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston and surronding areas outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
💋100% independent drama free super skilled!! 💋☎️(617)5961330 - 32
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, South Boston)
Tue 07 Jan
💖💖 ❤💞 💖💕💋💋💋SEXY, sweet, and FUN! - we can come to you ! 💖💖 - 23
(BOSTON, Boston/Camb/Brook, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack)
Mon 06 Jan
~ ~ ~ ~ Turn Things Up With Tiffany Tonight ~ ~ ~ ~857-266-9030 - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston In/ Out)
💋petite -_- classy💯flawless -_- jamaican/irish 😘 3bony -_- tr3@t 24/7 specials😏💋 - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/camb/brook/egelston party girl)
***NeW!!!..NeEd U NoW!!!****coMe FleX My BoDy iN wAYs u coUlD nEVer imaGiNe poSSiblE!!*** - 22
(North Shore, Peabody Danvers Saugus ...etc)
Sun 05 Jan
(*)(*) Nice %$#@!^ Rack!!!! (*)(*) Just for YOU!!!! - 26
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Downtown boston...Cambridge... South sho)
*-* THicK LuCiouS FReaK *-* SpeCiaLs *-* EarLy MorNiNg DeLiGht *-* - 24
(Metro West, Framingham in/ outcalls)
**** €xotic BOMBshell Avalible NOW **** YOUNG SW€€T & S€XY 💋❤ - 20
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Downtown Boston - In & Outs)
Sat 04 Jan
*°___ TOKYO_ BombsheLL!!!! __(( SuPeR SPECIALS ))__Stunningly_ SEXY !!__ R_O_C_K_E_T __ HOT_!_!_! - 22
(In & Outcall / Framingham)
Super Sexy Seductive Italian, come see me before 8:00am and I'll do a $120 half hour!!! - 32
(Boston, Lynn, North Shore)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... SEXY ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... BEAUTIFUL ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥... BLONDE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 19
Fri 03 Jan
See a Super Sweet Brunette All Natural Busty 38Ds with a Seductive Side! Having Fun All Night Long!! - 25
(North Shore, Danvers Middleton Peabody)
WoW!!!! (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) BIG BOOBIES ____ GREAT BODY _____ SO SEXY!!! - 25
(North Shore, Danvers Middleton Peabody)
Pretty women KATHLEEN. Wow all new pictures in calls Braintree - 40
(South Shore, south shore in calls and out calls)
Thu 02 Jan