Mon 27 Jan
Kissable Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With Heart & Soul - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston)
Kissable Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With Heart & Soul - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston)
Well Reviewed : Lovable Exotic Affectionate ! Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With So Much Passion - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston & New England!)
Tue 21 Jan
Exotic Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall)
asian, black and jewish SEXY MILF with an INCREDIBLE ASS♡♡♥♥ older, wiser, hornier - 39
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Dedham area)
TARA/22/Platinum Blonde/REAL PICS/Let Me CATER 2 U!!! - 22
(Boston, Metro West, North Shore, North Shore and Surrounding)
Sweet BUSTY 💕EXoTic 💕FaCe oF An AnGeL 😇 TOUCH oF A GoDDess 🌷Also Catering To Businessman - 27
(Boston, Boston - Copley Square - Back Bay, Boston/Camb/Brook)
I'm the REAL deal ! Quality time with an Exotic Busty curvy cutie with a Pretty face - 28
(Boston, Suburbs / Boston)
Waltham : Passionate Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall - 128 /95)
TOKYO __ BombsheLL!!! _ _ (SuPeR SPECIALS)---- _ Stunningly _ SEXY!!! _ R_O_C_K_E_T _ HOT_!_!_! - 23
(Out call only)
Tewksbury : Passionate Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall - 128 /95)
________ Su[P]( e )R .. S-( e )-XY ... ( e ):x::oT.i.C. .. ( e )::Y:: ( e ) .. CANDY _______ - 20
(Wakefield in/out)
SPECIALS With BECKY(LOOK!!!)"I love it when you melt in my mouth,not in my hands - 24
(North Shore, Saugus,Peabody,Beverly,Wakefield IN/OUT)
== SEXY~~ ASIAN~~ DOLLIS~~ HERE~~ NEW~~ CALLME== 857-350-6960@ - 22
Passionate Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston & New England!)
=== NEW == SEXY~~ ASIAN~~ DOLLIS~~ HERE~~ NEW~~ CALLME== 857-350-6960@ - 22
@@@ NEW $$$ SEXY %% HOT %% ASIAN $$$ GIRLS @@@ 857-350-6960 - 23
@@@ NEW $$$ SEXY %%% HOT %%% ASIAN $$$ GIRLS @@@ 857-350-6960+ @ - 23
🍭💗 ☆★💋 NEW 🍬🍭 Eye CANDy 🍭🍬💗 pLayFul & NaUgHty 💜👅💦 SUPER SPECIAL OUTCALLS PaRtY FaVoR PlAyMaTe👅💦😘 - 22
(Anywhere you want baby, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
Morning rush hour stop by:) CeRtIfIeD ~ AMY ~ All You NeeD Is HeRe.. - 24
(North Shore, In/ Out Call/ N Shore/ wakefield/ ;))
~ LOOK! ೋ LOOK! ೋ LOOK! ೋ LOOK! _ *[[ ThE HoTTesT LaTiNa EvEr ]]* NEW IN TOWN - 20
Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With So Much Passion. I'm On Fire! - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston & New England!)
Exotic Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall Tewks - Outcall Boston & NE)
☆★CURVacious EßONY EROTICA GODDe$$★☆•° $kills that will leave you with the CHILL$24HR Availability - 26
(South Shore, outcalls outcalls)
Curvy doll looking for a Daddy all her own - incall or local outcall - 34
(Northwest/Merrimack, MA: MASSACHUSETTS)
Mon 06 Jan
Swingers Party invitation for August and September - 29
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
Sun 05 Jan
🔥🔥🔥Red Hot College Girls🔥🔥🔥6️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ 9️⃣4️⃣3️⃣ 2️⃣7️⃣8️⃣1️⃣ No Text🔥🔥🔥All Night🔥🔥🔥 - 22
(Boston, Boston and Surrounding, Boston/Camb/Brook)
$exy, $weet, $assy & $eductive Playmate Ready & Waiting :) - 21
(North Shore, northshore stoneham/wakefield in/out)
Passionate Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall : 128 /95 - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall - 128 /95)
Sat 04 Jan
SePcIaL sPeCiAl !!!! AtTeNtIoN sPeCiAl b4 MiDnItE sExY bLoNdE lookin to party n have fun !!!! - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston)
Sweet & BUSTY ♥ EXoTic ♥ FaCe Of An AnGeL ♥ ♥ TOUCH oF A GoDDess ♥ ♥ ♥Also Catering To Businessman - 27
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcall all Boston & all over)
Fri 03 Jan
Sweet & BUSTY ♥ ♥ EXoTic♥ FaCe oF An AnGeL ♥ TOUCH oF A GoDDess ♥ Also Catering To Businessman - 27
(Boston, Boston - Copley Square - Back Bay, Boston/Camb/Brook)
Passionate Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall)
Thu 02 Jan